It's been a while since Google started rolling out dark modes in its various apps. Over the course of last year Google apps like Contacts, YouTube, Play Games, Phone, Messages, and some parts of Google Maps have received the battery friendly and less eye blinding dark mode. Android Pie was supposed to come with the most wanted system-wide dark mode but when the latest android version started rolling out we were left to keep dreaming. But thanks to a new post we can get our hopes up and that Android Q might finally land the feature.

In a post (now made inaccessible by Google) in Chromium bug tracker (spotted by Android Police), Googler Lukasz Zbylut stated that
"Dark mode is an approved Q feature [...] The Q team wants to ensure that all preloaded apps support dark mode natively. In order to ship dark mode successfully, we need all UI elements to be ideally themed dark by May 2019."
 He also pointed out that there will be master setting for the Dark mode under Settings>Display>Dark Mode. He later pointed it to Settings>Display>Night Mode, so we don't know which one it's gonna be. As for me I don't really care as long as I can turn the phone dark!

Interestingly though the post dates back to October 2018, so we don't know if its still relevant. Google might or might not have changed their mind, but we can only hope. We still can't say for sure that it will come with Android Q but at least we can be sure that Google indeed is legitimately working on a system-wide dark mode. And Google making the post inaccessible only fuels it further.

Here's an excerpt from the post if you want to go through it all